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Hortimance Hortria Turkey Berry Seeds 10 grams for grafting Brinjal and Tomato

Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹250.00.

Turkey berry also called Sundakai or kundenekayi or Bahankatiya or adavi vanga seeds for producing turkey berries ( used for vegetable purpose) or the seedlings used for grafting with brinjal , tomato and chilli
Turkey berry seedlings grafted with brinjal plants will produce brinjal fruits from 3rd month after tranplanting in the main field. And the grafted plants shows good resistance to several pest and diseases and survive upto 5 years .
Turkey berries are rich in Vitamin A and carotenoids which helps in improving eye sight and skin texture. It also contains Vitamin C which helps in boosting immunity. It control blood sugar level thus helps in treating diabetes.
Using turkey berries you can make delicious dishes like vatha kulambu; pachai Sundakai kulambu;turkey berry coconut recipe; sabzi; turkey berry potato fry; thibattu malung; pickles; soups and curries.
Turkey berries are used treat wounds; high blood pressure; anemia; bacterial and viral infections

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How to germinate turkey berry seeds for grafting with Brinjal or Tomato?

• Turkey berry seeds germinate well when it is sown in protrays containing wet cocopeat as media.

• Fill the protrays with wet cocopeat up to 3/4th of the cell depth.

• Now sow nearly 3 to 4 seeds per cell.

• After sowing the seeds sprinkle the cocopeat again on the cells to cover the seeds completely.

• Now sprinkle the water well on the protrays and place them seperatley on the grow beds and then cover them completely with large polythene covers without air gaps. ( Note: Don’t place the protrays one on one instead place the protrays seperately on the grow beds so that the germination will happen good . If you place the protrays one on one germination won’t happen.).

• At 5th day open the polythene cover and again sprinkle the water well and close the polythene cover again.

• The seeds germinate within 8 to 15 days . After 45 days of germination you can use the seedlings for grafting. How to Graft Brinjal or Tomato plants on turkey berry seedlings ?

• Germinate the turkey berry seeds by following the above said procedure. The seeds germinate within 8 to 15 days.

• 10 days after the sowing of turkey berry seeds sow the Brinjal / Tomato seeds on protrays containing wet cocopeat. The seeds will germinate within 10 days.

• Grow the Turkey berry seedlings for 45 days and Brinjal / Tomato Seedlings for 30 days,

• Now cut the turkey berry seedling at 45 degree angle leaving 1 inch from the media. And also cut the brinjal / Tomato seedlings at the same 45 degree angle leaving 2 inch from the top of the seedling.

• Now graft the Brinjal / Tomato Seedlings on the turkey berry seedlings using silicone grafting clips/ tubes. ( Insert one end of the grafting tube on the turkey berry stem and then insert the stem of the Brinjal / Tomato Seedlings into the other end of the silicone tube. while inserting the 45 degree angle cuts should matched.

•The seedlings will get united in 10 days then you can transplant

Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 1 cm


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